Bárbara B. Calegari, PhD

Preventing the loss of freshwater biodiversity under climate change.
Researchers: Bárbara B. Calegari, Conor Waldock, Bernhard Wegscheider, Dario Josi, and Ole Seehausen.

Phylogenetics and shape variation in populations of the sculpin Cottus (Teleostei: Cotiidae) from Switzerland
Researchers: Bárbara B. Calegari, Conor Waldock, Bernhard Wegscheider, Dario Josi, Lukas Rüber and Ole Seehausen.

Revision of the driftwood catfishes of the genus Trachelyichthys (Ostariophysi: Siluriformes).
Coordinator: Bárbara B. Calegari (CNPq). Researchers: Bárbara B. Calegari, Alberto Akama, Carl Ferraris Junior.

Comparative phylogeography of catfishes (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) from the southern coast of Brazil: testing their shared history.
Researchers: Roberto E. Reis, Bárbara B. Calegari, Maria Laura S. Delapieve, Edson H. L. Pereira, Luiz Jardim de Queiroz, and Pablo A. Lehmann.

Systematics and taxonomy of Neotropical catfishes: studying the ichthyofauna with help of high resolution computed microtomography.
Coordinator: Roberto E. Reis (FAPERGS). Researchers: Roberto E. Reis, Tiago P. Carvalho, Bárbara B. Calegari.
Description of new species of Lithoxus (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) from Amazon basin.
Researchers: Bárbara B. Calegari, and Roberto E. Reis.

Two new species of stone loaches of the genus Barbatula (Cypriniformes: Nemacheilidae) from Europe with a neotype designation of B. barbatula (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae)
Researchers: Bárbara B. Calegari, Jörg Freyhof, Conor Waldock, Bernhard Wegscheider, Dario Josi, Lukas Rüber and Ole Seehausen.

Description of new species of Tatia, Centromochlus and Spinipterus
(Siluriformes: Auchenipteridae) from Amazon basin.
Researches: Bárbara B. Calegari, Alberto Akama, Jansen Zuanon, and Willian Ohara.

Discovering the hidden diversity of minnows of the genus Phoxinus (Cypriniformes: Leuciscidae) from Switzerland through a taxonomy integrative approach
Researchers: Bárbara B. Calegari, Merline Roth, Conor Waldock, Bernhard Wegscheider, Dario Josi, Lukas Rüber and Ole Seehausen.

Systematics and biogeography of Glanidium (Siluriformes: Auchenipteridae).
Researchers: Luiz Roberto Malabarba, Bárbara B. Calegari.

Phylogenetic Systematics of the Driftwood Catfishes (Siluriformes: Auchenipteridae): A Combined Morphological and Molecular Analysis.
Coordinator: Bárbara B. Calegari (CNPq).
Researches: Bárbara B. Calegari, Richard P. Vari, Roberto E. Reis.

Ecomorphological Diversification through Evolutionary History of South American Driftwood Catfishes (Siluriformes: Auchenipteridae).
Researchers: Bárbara B. Calegari, Tiago Carvalho, Andrea Thomas, Pooja Singh.
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